
About B2

The number 1 question in the world of business for the last 50 years is “how do I get capital for my growing business?"

We are a group of people who believes that businesses should not only have access to capital but to the correct capital for their business. In the unsecured capital industry we see businesses get unfair offers all the time due to the fact business owner do not know how to navigate the financial industry and its different levels. Not getting the most efficient offer for your business means not being able to maximize profits.

B2 Capital created a solution where we built relationships with the highest tier funding partners who are the most competitive in each sector while being in touch directly with the business owner and understanding what the business needs are in order to grow most efficiently. This allows B2 Capital to always provide the highest dollar amount, the longest terms and lowest rate for the tier which your business belongs to curently.

The business owner does not only get to benefit from our relationships but we make sure to negotiate on their behalf and push for what the business owner believes will be the best option to help the business grow. We are here to be a funding partner for the long term with you, therefore our interest is to make sure your business is growing.

Send in your application and get assigned to a Senior Consultant who will be your advocate in the rough world of Unsecured Business Capital. We will focus on your funding while all you need to do is focus on growing!
(See our other services if unsecured capital is not a solution for you)

A Fast and Efficient Approach to Business Financing

Business funding with accuracy. Apply now and get a pre-approval call from a consultant.

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Our Team of Experts

Boris Mendes

Director of Operations

Andrew Robbins

Sr. Account Executive

Ashley Watson

Sr. Account Executive

Luis Murgado

Sr. Account Executive

Lauren Antelo

Senior Processor & Analyst